أجهزة سونار صيني . Class - A  إنتاج شركة WELLD 

موديل :    WED-9618 C II                      


LCD Display Monitor : 15 Inches.
Monitor is movable
Probe connector : 2 socket

One Video Output Port.              

One VGA port.
Two USB Port.
Digital Beam former(DBF)         
Dynamic Friquency Scan(DFS)
Dynamic Receive Focusing(DRF)
Real time dynamic Filter(RDF)
Image modes : B,B+B,4B,B+M,M.
Automatic Diagnostic Report,Browsing, Saving&Printing.
Scanning Depth : 40 TO 250 mm or wider range.
Gray Scales : 256
Scanning Angle : 30 Degree to152 Degree or wider range.
Cine loop : more than 1000 Frames Bi-directional Cine loop
Storages media : External Flash,  DVD-RW.
Built in Storage : 320GB.
Body Mark : Min 115 types.
Tranduser Automatic detection.10 segment Acoustic power output adjustment.
 1. Electronic Convex Array Transducer with 2.5 to 5.0 MHz.
2.  Electronic Linear Array Transducer with 5.0 to 10.0 MHz
3.  Electronic Trans-vaginal Array Transducer with 5.0 to 9.0 MHz & 152  Scanning